Mary Anna

Mary Anna Szasz

Where did you grow up?

I grow up in Budapest, Hungary.

What inspired you to get into this industry?

I’ve been allways inspired and amazed by fashion and glamour. My interest started as a little girl, my mother had a collection of big fashion magazines which we used to read them together and looking the editorials ohh and also I grew up on fashion tv.

Describe yourself in a few words

First of all im a dreamer with a lot of positiveness… and a little bit crazy too.:))


Mary Anna Szasz modelWhats your favorite desert?

Hard question desserts are my weakness, if I have to choose one I would say chocolate soufle, iam all about dark chocolate.

Heels or flats?


Do you have a beauty secret?

I dont have any special beauty secret, however skin and hair care are really important for me. I allways make sure that I’m taking care of myself. And I have a little obsession with makeup im all about the glow and highlighters!!

Do you work out?

I’m not a big fan of gym so im glad to be blessed with a good genetic 😊 but I really like yoga and working on my strenght and flexibility.

Which has been your most memorable shooting?

I would say my most memorable shooting so far was with the Black Tape Project it was not just an amazing experience but it ended up to a real friendship.

What is your guilty pleasure?

chocolate and lingeries

What do you find sexy in a man?

Confidence and a really good humor with a kind, loving heart is the winner for me.  Plus nice arms and shoulders ..😊


Are you a party person?

being single at the moment I have to say I am

What is your sign?


Who is your secret crush?

it isnt a secret if I tell you😋

Would you rather like to be a Guess girl or shoot for Sports Illustrated?

Sports Illustrated

What is your favorite holiday destination?

I’ve been first time in my life in Miami recently and I loved a lot, excited to go and see more of the USA.


If you could choose one super power, which one would it be?

healing so I can help my loved ones all the time!!


How old were you when you had your first kiss?

14 I think

Which of the „Big 5“ models is your favorite?

Kate Moss


What are you thankful for?

I’m thankful for everything what I have at the moment, im really happy with my life now have a lots of support and love from my family even if they are far away from me they make me happy everyday.

Who would you like to be for one day?

right now I dont want to be anyone else

Do you have a fashion icon?

I’m kind of obsessed with the Kardashians opps🙈 maybe my third guilty pleasure

Whats your favorite instagram account?

I’m following a lot of fashion/art/photogrphy magazines they are my favourite accounts  I can look at them for hours.

Are you a morning person?


What is your biggest fear?

I do not have a particular fear but I really hope that I can travel and experice the whole world

How many pairs of shoes do you own?

around 50-60

Who is your role model?

I dont not have a role model, but I do have a lot of amazing person around me who are ispiring me every day

Which 3 survival essentials will we always find in your purse?

my phone, hand cream and a lipstick is allways with me

Do you have a life motto?

after all tomorrow is another day


Instagram or Facebook?

Instagram for sure

Who is your favorite designer?


Bikini or Monokini?

both 🙈 just love swimwear!!

Champagne or Gin Tonic?


What do you get complimented on the most?

my waist, it’s really tiny.

What advice do you have for other aspiring models?

be patient and careful, really careful who you give your trust.

Did you always wanted to become a model?

yes, ive allways had the desire to be a model.

Who are some of your favorite photographers?

The one and only Víctor Kenzo (@victorkenzo), who believed in me liked no one else before.

How has modeling changed other aspects of your life?

it gave me a lot of confident and teach me to love and take care about my body, health even more and I do believe that love yourself doesnt make you selfish its one of the best feeling.

What are your goals as a model?

Just have fun with it

Batman or Superman?



Model: Mary Anna Szasz @maryannnax

Photographer: Gavin Glave @gavinglave  website



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