Nude model Martina photographed by Paolo Lazzarotti / Italy for Lions Art Magazine

I dreamed such a scenario one year ago and I could finally turn it into reality a few months ago after an accurated preparation to leave absolutely nothing to fatality.
I’m a landscape photographer loving Nature in any form, so when I discovered such a primordial beauty place threatened by sea and winds, I had to shoot a woman there with a sculptured body to give the idea of the Nature like forging its own creatures…and protect them at the same time with her rocky arms.
This location is south of Leighorn, Tuscany and not to comfortable for models posing there!
BIO Paolo Lazzarotti
I’m 45 and I’m lucky enough to live in a small village very close to some of the finest italian places like Cinque Terre National Park, Gulf of the Poets, Tuscan countryside and a wild coast line where I took some of my finest and awarded sea shots.
When I moved my very first steps in Photography I was 19 with a compact film camera given by my father.
I learned everything by myself without reading any book or attending at any course and did spend most of my time in understanding my errors and trying not have more in the future. I was aware this was certainly the most time consuming way to improve my own skills, but right now I realized this was the best way to develop my own genuine style.
My favourite subjects were landscapes, sunsets and all the things strictly related to Nature. Well, I can fairly state I love Nature in all its forms even now, expecially when she reveals to me her majestic strenght making me feel a stupid thing against her.
BIO Martina, model
Hérodiade, 23, from Padula (Italy).
“I am nobody” , after all. I’m a “cat lady”, animalist, nude model, bohemian artist (painter), lover, athlet, fall in love with life.
I’m free as a wind and the only owner of my body.
Modeling means to be free to be myself.
This job allows me to travel my country (Italy)….. and maybe, in future, travel around the world and meet great artists!
Modeling turns myself into a living artwork, and I want my life be an artwork.
Every day i wear long and thiny dresses, sometimes a little boehmiam and sometimes a little gothic, but almost, I love to wear lace corset and heels shoes. I really love “retrò” style.
Happiness for me is the ability of making our dreams as real.
My next targets will be to graduate, selling my paintings (I’m a painter and I studied art for many years), become a pole dance teacher and improve everything, including this wonderful work.
Photographer: Paolo Lazzarotti
Martina’s credits: