The summer Lions Art Magazine Issue No 30 is out now. 136 pages full of amazing model photography of beautiful models. Our Cover story was photographed by Donnie Garcia in Cape Town / SA. Many new talented photographers and models are featured in this issue.
Contributing photographers:
Alessandro Hausbrandt, Alexandre Llobet, Derek Reed, Donnie Garcia, Kenn Perry, ISA, Mark Tiu, Martial Lenoire, Nino Batista, Paolo Prisco, Renuar Local, Shearer Viljoen and Thomas Louvagny,
Featured models:
Alice Daniele, Donna Feldman, Ana-Marija Jurisic, Laura Petersen, Gabriela Iliescu, Jacyln May Breen, Laetitia, Elena Pappas, Alioma Kaifa, Dania Bazaiti, Jessi Redmond , Chrissy Ionno and Yolaine Fontaine

More nude art models print magazine Issues
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